DanMachi Wiki

Magic (魔法) is the main form of combat utilized by mages and by those who have manifested it in their falna.


Magic is considered to be a strong power. There are two different types of magic; congenital magic, magic based on one's own ability and race, and acquired magic, magic based on the Falna given by the Gods and Goddesses. Most magic require a specific chant to activate, with the exception of no chant magic like Firebolt, and the longer the chant the stronger the magic is.

People naturally have between one to three slots for magic and can normally only learn one magic per slot, however most people tend to never have any magic appear. For people with one or two slots, the number can be increased via the usage of a grimoire.

Apart from that, the development ability Mage can strengthen the power, the length of time, the amount of targets, and the effect area of magic. Also, those that have it gain a magic circle when they cast magic.


Name User Description Chant Debut
Firebolt (ファイアボルト) Bell Cranel No chant Magic that can be used quickly None (Firebolt/ファイアボルト) DanMachi Volume 02
Cinder Ella (シンダー・エラ) Liliruca Arde Transformation magic that enables the user to transform into anything around their size 【貴方の刻印は私のもの。私の刻印は私のもの】
Your wound is mine. My wound is mine
Echoing message of midnight
DanMachi Volume 02
Will-o-Wisp (ウィル・オ・ウィスプ) Welf Crozzo Anti Magic fire. If timed correctly it can cause an Ignis Fatuus and cause damage 【燃えつきろ、外法の業】
Burn out, illegal work
DanMachi Volume 04
Rea Laevateinn (レア・ラーヴァテイン) Riveria Ljos Alf Wide area annihilation Magic. It is the second level of Riveria's attack magic Vas Windheim 【間もなく、焔は放たれる。忍び寄る戦火、免れえぬ破滅。開戦の角笛は高らかに鳴り響き、暴虐なる争乱が全てを包み込む。至れ、紅蓮の炎、無慈悲な猛火。汝は業火の化身なり。ことごとくを一掃し、大いなる戦乱に幕引きを。焼きつくせ、スルトの剣――我が名はアールヴ】
The flame will soon be released. Creeping war, unavoidable destruction. The horn of battle sounds aloud, the cruelty of conflict will envelop all. Come, crimson flames, the ruthless inferno. You are the avatar of hellfire. Sweep completely, bring a close to the great war. Burn them through, Sword of Surtr - my name is Alf
Sword Oratoria Volume 01
Ariel (エアリエル) Ais Wallenstein Enchant type magic that can imbue things with wind. It has been mentioned as being far beyond normal enchant type magic 【目覚めよ】
Sword Oratoria Volume 01
Fusillade Fallarica (ヒュゼレイド・ファラーリカ) Lefiya Viridis Wide area attack magic. Fire element 【誇り高き戦士よ、森の射手隊よ。押し寄せる略奪者を前に弓を取れ。同胞の声に応え、矢を番えよ。帯びよ炎、森の灯火。撃ち放て、妖精の火矢。 雨の如く降りそそぎ、蛮族どもを焼き払え】
Proud warrior, snipers of the forest. Take up your bows before the advancing plunderers. Answer the call of your brethren and ready your arrows. Tinge them with flame, the lamplight of the forest. Release them, the fire arrows of the fairies. Falling like rain, burn away the savages
Sword Oratoria Volume 01
Wynn Fimbulvetr (ウィン・フィンブルヴェトル) Riveria Ljos Alf Extreme cold Magic that is said to be able to even freeze time. It is the first level of Riveria's attack magic Vas Windheim 【終末の前触れよ、白き雪よ。黄昏を前に風を巻け。閉ざされる光、凍てつく大地。吹雪け、三度の厳冬――我が名はアールヴ】
Harbringer of the end, the white snow. Blow with the wind before the twilight. Closing light, the freezing land. Blizzard, the three severe winters - my name is Alf
Sword Oratoria Volume 01
Elf Ring (エルフ・リング) Lefiya Viridis Summon Burst Magic that is able to use any Elf Magic. To use it, the user must know the chant and effects of the magic. It uses mind for the Summon Burst and for the magic summoned. If the user has the Mage Development Ability, the user's magic circle will change color to match the owner's magic circle color 【ウィーシェの名のもとに願う 。森の先人よ、誇り高き同胞よ。我が声に応じ草原へと来れ。繋ぐ絆、楽宴の契り。円環を廻し舞い踊れ。至れ、妖精の輪。どうか――力を貸し与えてほしい】
I wish upon the name of Wishe. Ancestors of the forest, proud brethren. Answer my call and come to the plains. Connecting bonds, the pledge of paradise. Turn the circle and dance around. Come, ring of fairies. Please - give me strength
Sword Oratoria Volume 01
Luminous Wind (ルミノス・ウィンド) Ryuu Lion Attack Magic that summons green stardust to attack the enemy 【今は遠き森の空。無窮の夜天に鏤む無限の星々。愚かな我が声に応じ、今一度星火の加護を。汝を見捨てし者に光の慈悲を。来れ、さすらう風、流浪の旅人。空を渡り荒野を駆け、何物よりも疾く走れ。星屑の光を宿し敵を討て】
In the sky of a now distant forest. Infinite stars scattered in the endless night sky. Respond to my foolish voice, give me now divine protection of starfire. Give the mercy of light to the one that abandoned you. Come, wandering wind, the wandering traveler. Cross the sky and run through the wilderness, run faster than anything else. Imbue the light of stardust and destroy the enemy
DanMachi Volume 05
Futsunomitama (フツノミタマ) Yamato Mikoto Heavy Gravity Magic that crushes a given area 【掛けまくも畏き――いかなるものも打ち破る我が武神よ、尊き天よりの導きよ。卑小のこの身に巍然たる御身の神力を。救え浄化の光、破邪の刃。払え平定の太刀、征伐の霊剣。今ここに、我が命において招来する。天より降り、地を統べよ――神武闘征】
I respectfully speak to you, my War God that can break through any thing, lead me from the precious heaven. Give my petty body divine power of your grand body. Rescue them light of purification, sword of crushing evil. Sweep sword of suppression, sacred sword of conquest. It arrives here now by my order. Descend from heaven, rule the earth - shinbu tousei
DanMachi Volume 05
Arcs Ray (アルクス・レイ) Lefiya Viridis Single shot Magic that can track enemies 【解き放つ一条の光、聖木の弓幹。汝、弓の名手なり。狙撃せよ、妖精の射手。穿て、必中の矢】
Unleashed streak of light, bow limbs of the holy tree. You are an expert of the bow. Shoot, sniper of the fairies. Penetrate, arrow of absolute accuracy
Sword Oratoria Volume 02
Veil Breath (ヴェール・ブレス) Riveria Ljos Alf Green Protection Magic that raises the target's resistance against physical and magical attacks and also heals the target slightly. It is the second level of Riveria's defense magic Via Shilheim 【集え、大地の息吹――我が名はアールヴ】
Assemble, breath of the land - my name is Alf
Sword Oratoria Volume 02
Aro Zephyros (アロ・ゼフュロス) Hyakinthos Clio It is a ring of fire of the west wind and shines like the sun. It is a homing magic and can also explode based on the chant 【我が名は愛、光の寵児。我が太陽にこの身を捧ぐ。我が名は罪、風の悋気。一陣の突風をこの身に呼ぶ。放つ火輪の一投――――来れ、西方の風】
My name is love, precious child of light. I offer my body to my sun. My name is sin, jealousy of wind. I call a gust of wind to my body. Released ring of fire - come, wind of the west
DanMachi Volume 06
Noah Heal (ノア・ヒール) Ryuu Lion Healing magic that is capable of healing wounds and restoring the target's stamina 【今は遠き森の歌。懐かしき生命の調べ。汝を求めし者に、どうか癒しの慈悲を】
The song of a now distant forest. The nostalgic song of life. Please bring the mercy of healing to those that seek you
DanMachi Volume 06 Booklet
Darbh Daol (ダルヴ・ダオル) Naaza Erisuis DanMachi Volume 06 Booklet
Dio Thyrsos (ディオ・テュルソス) Filvis Challia Super Short Chant Type Magic that creates a blast of golden lightning 【一掃せよ、破邪の聖杖】
Sweep, holy staff of crushing evil
Sword Oratoria Volume 03
Dio Grail (ディオ・グレイル) Filvis Challia Creates a circular barrier that shines white. It is a Super Short Chant Type Magic 【盾となれ、破邪の聖杯】
Become a shield, holy grail of crushing evil
Sword Oratoria Volume 03
Riwo Flare (リウォ・フレア) Meryl Tear Magic that creates flames Sword Oratoria Volume 03
Uchide no Kozuchi (ウチデノコヅチ) Sanjouno Haruhime Level Boost Magic that can only be used on a single target, after which an interval occurs before it can be cast again. It cannot be used on the caster 【大きくなれ。其の力に其の器。数多の財に数多の願い。鐘の音が告げるその時まで、どうか栄華と幻想を。――大きくなれ。神撰を食らいしこの体。神に賜いしこの金光。槌へと至り土へと還り、どうか貴方へ祝福を。――大きくなぁれ】
Become bigger. That power and that vessel. Much wealth and many wishes. Until the bell tolls, please be glorious and illusionary. -Become bigger. This body that eats the divine offerings. Reach a hammer and return to the earth, please give you a blessing. -Become bigger
DanMachi Volume 07
Hell Kaios (ヘル・カイオス) Aisha Belka Magic that releases a red shockwave slash that is similar to a shark fin cutting through the water 【来れ、蛮勇の覇者。雄々しき戦士よ、たくましき豪傑よ、欲深き非道の英傑よ。女帝の帝帯が欲しくば証明せよ。我が身を満たし我が身を貫き、我が身を殺し証明せよ。飢える我が刃はヒッポリュテー】
Come, champion of the savages. Manly warrior, strong hero, greedy and unjust hero. Show your worth if you desire the girdle of the empress. Satisfy my body, penetrate my body, kill my body and prove your worth. My starving blade is Hippolyta
DanMachi Volume 07
Via Shilheim (ヴィア・シルヘイム) Riveria Ljos Alf Barrier Magic that completely blocks physical and magical attacks. It is the third level of Riveria's defense magic Via Shilheim 【舞い踊れ大気の精よ、光の主よ。森の守り手と契を結び、大地の歌をもって我等を包め。我等を囲え大いなる森光の障壁となって我等を守れ――我が名はアールヴ】
Dance around spirit of the atmosphere, lord of light. Contract with the guardian of the forest, and envelop us with the song of the land. Surround us become a great barrier of forest light and protect us - my name is Alf
Sword Oratoria Volume 04
Hell Finegas (ヘル・フィネガス) Finn Deimne Raises fighting ability at the cost of proper judgement 【魔槍よ、血を捧げし我が額を穿て】
Magic spear, penetrate my forehead offering blood
Sword Oratoria Volume 04
Firestorm (ファイアーストーム) Demi Spirit Super Long Chant Magic that releases a huge firestorm reminiscent of a Flame Spirit 【火ヨ、来タレ猛ヨ猛ヨ猛ヨ炎ノ渦ヨ紅蓮ノ壁ヨ業火ノ咆哮ヨ突風ノ力ヲ借リ世界ヲ閉ザセ燃エル空燃エル大地燃エル海燃エル泉燃エル山燃エル命全テオ焦土ト変エ怒リト嘆キノ号砲ヲ我ガ愛セシ英雄ノ命ノ代償ヲ代行者ノ名二オイテ命ジル与エラレシ我ガ名ハ火精霊炎ノ化身炎ノ女王】
Come, fire burn burn burn whirpool of fire wall of crimson howl of hellfire borrow the power of a gust of wind and close the world burning sky burning earth burning sea burning spring burning mountain burning life change everything to scorched earth and give the signal of rage and despair the cost of the life of my loving hero I order you in the name of the agent the name given to me is Salamander avatar of fire queen of fire
Sword Oratoria Volume 04
Meteor Swarm (メテオ・スウォーム) Demi Spirit Long Chant Magic that releases a rain of huge meteors. It is Earth Spirit Magic 【地ヨ、唸レ――来タレ来タレ来タレ大地ノ殻ヨ黒鉄ノ宝閃ヨ星ノ鉄槌ヨ開闢ノ契約ヲモッテ反転セヨ空ヲ焼ケ地ヲ砕ケ橋ヲ架ケ天地ト為レ降リソソグ天空ノ斧破壊ノ厄災―― 代行者ノ名二オイテ命ジル与エラレシ我ガ名ハ地精霊大地ノ化身大地ノ女王】
Roar, earth - come come come shell of the earth treasure of black iron hammer of stars take the contract of creation and inverse it burn the sky break the earth build a bridge and become heaven and earth falling axes of heaven disaster of destruction - I order you in the name of the agent the name given to me is Gnome avatar of earth queen of earth
Sword Oratoria Volume 04
Thunder Ray (サンダー・レイ) Demi Spirit Short Chant Magic that releases a strong lance of thunder. It is Thunder Spirit Magic 【突キ進メ雷鳴ノ槍代行者タル我ガ名ハ雷精霊雷ノ化身雷ノ女王】
Break through spear of thunder my name as an agent is Tonitrus avatar of thunder queen of thunder
Sword Oratoria Volume 04
Icicle Edge (アイシクル・エッジ) Demi Spirit Magic that summons multiple sharp blades of ice. It is Water Spirit Magic Sword Oratoria Volume 04
Light Burst (ライト・バースト) Demi Spirit Short Chant Magic that releases a blast of light. It is Light Spirit Magic 【閃光ヨ駆ケ抜ケヨ闇ヲ切リ裂ケ代行者タル我ナ名ハ光精霊光ノ化身光ノ女王】
Flash run through slash apart the shadow my name as an agent is Lux avatar of light queen of light
Sword Oratoria Volume 04
List Iorum (リスト・イオルム) Tione Hiryute Magic that restrains the target based on a certain chance. The probability of the Magic succeeding goes up based on the user's magic stat 【心海に沈められし我が欲望、心海に育まれし我が渇望――運命は来た。形をなし、牙を剥き、王蛇となれ。海を抜け、大地を越え、世界を覆え。運命を捕え、運命を止め、運命を蹂躙せよ】
My desire that was sunk in the sea, my longing that was nurtured in the sea - the time has come. Shape yourself, bare your fangs, and become a snake. Escape the sea, cross the land, and cover the world. Capture time, stop time, and trample over time
Sword Oratoria Volume 04 (listed)
Sword Oratoria Volume 07 (actual)
Hati (ハティ) Bete Loga Fire enchant magic, it absorbes magic power and damage 【一傷、拘束。二傷、痛叫。三傷、打杭。餓えなる餓が唯一の希望。川を築き、血潮と交ざり、涙を洗え。癒せぬ傷よ、忘れるな。この怒りとこの憎悪、汝の惰弱と汝の烈火。世界を憎み、摂理を認め、涙を枯らせ。傷を牙に、慟哭を猛哮に――喪いし血肉を力に。解き放たれる縛鎖、轟く天叫。怒りの系譜よ、この身に代わり月を喰らえ、数多を飲み干せ。その炎牙をもって――平らげろ】 Sword Oratoria Volume 05 (listed)
Sword Oratoria Volume 08 (actual)
Dia Panakeia (ディア・パナケイア) Fels Healing magic which creates colored spheres of light that heal the target. Its effects are comparable to an elixir 【ピオスの蛇杖、ピオネの母光。治癒の権能をもって交わり、全てを癒せ】
Pius' staff, Pione's light. Intersect with the authority of healing and heal everything
DanMachi Volume 10
Dia Orpheus (ディア・オルフェウス) Fels Resurrection magic only Fels knows. It succeeded for the first time in 800 years by reviving Wiene 【未踏の領域よ、禁忌の壁よ。今日この日、我が身は天の法典に背く――ピオスの蛇杖、サルスの杯。治癒の権能をもってしても届かざる汝の声よ――どうか待っていてほしい。王の審判、断罪の雷霆。神の摂理に逆らい焼きつくされるというのなら――自ら冥府へと赴こう。開け戒門、冥界の河を越えて。聞き入れよ、冥王よ。狂おしきこの冀求を。止まらぬ涙、散る慟哭。代償は既に支払った。光の道よ。定められた過去を生贄に、愚かな願望を照らしてほしい。嗚呼、私は振り返らない】
Unexplored area, the forbidden wall. On this day, I disobey the code of heaven - the asklepios of Pius, the chalice of Salus. Thy voice forcing the power of healing to reach out - I desire it regardless of the wait. Tribunal of the king, thunder of condemnation. If thou art burned despite the providence of God - confront your own hell. Open Kaimon, beyond the river of the underworld. Listen, dark king. Wish to cross the threshold of insanity. Stop unexpected tears, scattered lamentation. The price had been paid. Light of the road. To sacrifice given in the past, I want illumination of the foolish desire. Oh, I do not look back
DanMachi Volume 10
Kalov Argol (カロフ・アルゴール) Asfi Al Andromeda DanMachi Volume 10 Booklet
Raumure (ラウミュール) Daphne Lauros DanMachi Volume 10 Booklet
Soullight (ソールライト) Cassandra Ilion 【一度は拒みし天の光。浅ましき我が身を救う慈悲の腕。届かぬ我が言の葉の代わりに、哀れな輩を救え。陽光よ、願わくば破滅を退けよ】 DanMachi Volume 10 Booklet (listed)
DanMachi Volume 12 Booklet (actual)
Cure Ephialtes (キュア・エフィアルティス) Cassandra Ilion DanMachi Volume 10 Booklet
Velgus (ヴェルグス) Bache Kalif Enchant type Magic that can imbue things with deadly poison. The poison is unblockable and is stronger than a Posion Vermis' poison, which is known to be deadly. The magic covers the enchanted area in blackish purple light 【食い殺せ】
Devour them
Di Asla (Amazoness language)
Sword Oratoria Volume 06
Vas Windheim (ヴァース・ヴィンドヘイム) Riveria Ljos Alf It is the third level of Riveria's attack magic Vas Windheim Sword Oratoria Volume 06
Liv Ilusio (リヴ・イルシオ) Riveria Ljos Alf It is the first level of Riveria's defense magic Via Shilheim Sword Oratoria Volume 06
Fil Eldis (フィル・エルディス) Riveria Ljos Alf It is the first level of Riveria's healing magic Van Alheim Sword Oratoria Volume 06
Luna Aldis (ルナ・アルディス) Riveria Ljos Alf It is the second level of Riveria's healing magic Van Alheim Sword Oratoria Volume 06
Van Alheim (ヴァン・アルヘイム) Riveria Ljos Alf It is the third level of Riveria's healing magic Van Alheim Sword Oratoria Volume 06
Caelum Veil (カエルム・ヴェール) Demi Spirit An electric element enchant magic the same as Ais' Ariel. It covers the user in electricity and can also be used to launch electricity in all directions by chanting Distel (放電(ディステル)) 【荒べ天ノ怒リヨ】
Rage, wrath of heaven
Sword Oratoria Volume 07
Earth Raid (アースレイド) Gareth Landrock Earth Raid enables Gareth to destroy the ground. Its strength is affected by his strength stat and it can only be cast when he is on the ground Sword Oratoria Volume 07
Pheles Cruz (フェレス・クルス) Chloe Rollo Creates two mirages of the user that move according to the user's will, though they are unable to attack or defend themselves 【戯れよ】
Play around
Familia Chronicle Episode Ryuu
Shaldo (シャルドー) Valletta Grede Barrier magic. The magic covers a certain area with reddish purple patterns and lowers the status of anyone that enters said area, unless the user makes them unaffected by it, in addition to reapplying the effect every time they move within the magic, though the effect seems to take longer for higher levelled opponents. It has a super long chant, is negated if the user leaves the area, and uses a large amount of mind, making it more suited as a trap. It is also able to cover a large area, as the barrier Valletta used had a radius of 60 meters, and is considered to be a rare magic Sword Oratoria Volume 08
Tir na Nog (ティル・ナ・ノーグ) Finn Deimne Throwing magic. It adds the user's levels and all ability totals to their magic power during use. It can only be used once every 24 hours Sword Oratoria Volume 08
Kokonoe (ココノエ) Sanjouno Haruhime A special enchant magic that creates a maximum of nine tails on the user depending on their limit. The user adds the effects of a second magic they chant connect to each of the tails to multiply its effects, such as increasing the number of people Uchide no Kozuchi can be used on 【ココノエ。愛しき雪。愛しき深紅。愛しき白光。どうか側にいさせてほしい――二千夜の末に見つけし其の恋願。我が名は狐妖、かつての破滅。我が名は古謡、かつての想望。鳥のごとく羽ばたく御身のために、この身、九妖を宿す。響け金歌、玉藻の召詩。白面金毛、九尾の王。全てを喰らい、全てを叶えし、瑞獣の尾――】(second spell in between)【舞い踊れ】 DanMachi Volume 12